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Tritosys Series

Description For Tritosys Vendor

Tritosys Vendor is web system and mobile application that designed for vendor management. Its features allow users to easily input and organize data related to their subcontractors and suppliers, as well as manage contracts and pricing information. Tritosys Vendor is designed to streamline the process of managing vendor relationships and help users keep track of important details related to their vendors.

One of the key features of Tritosys Vendor is its ability to input subcontractor and supplier data. Users can easily enter and manage information such as contact details, locations, and other relevant data. Additionally, the app allows users to upload important documents related to their vendors, such as contracts, invoices, and other files. This helps users keep all relevant information in one place and reduces the risk of losing important documents.

Another important feature of Tritosys Vendor is its ability to export data as PDF and Excel files. This feature allows users to easily share vendor information with colleagues and other stakeholders in a format that is easy to understand and analyze. The app also includes a contract management feature, which allows users to input and manage contracts between their company and their subcontractors. This feature helps users keep track of important dates, deadlines, and other details related to their contracts.

One of the newest features of Tritosys Vendor is the ability to input quotation data provided by suppliers. This feature enables users to easily enter and manage pricing information related to their vendors. The app generates an item yearly pricing line chart that displays the pricing of items based on previously recorded quotations. This feature is particularly useful for companies that work with multiple suppliers and need to keep track of pricing details over time.

In summary, Tritosys Vendor offers a range of features designed to help users manage their vendor relationships more efficiently. Its features allow users to input and organize vendor data, manage contracts, export data in a range of formats, and analyze pricing information. With Tritosys Vendor, companies can streamline their vendor management processes and improve their overall efficiency.